
2018 Farm Bill

On Nov. 16, 2023, President Biden signed into law H.R. 6363, the Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024, which extended the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, more commonly known as the 2018 Farm Bill. This extension allows authorized programs to continue through September 30, 2024.

The 2018 Farm Bill, enacted December 20, 2018, provides support, certainty, and stability to our nation’s farmers, ranchers, and forest managers by enhancing farm support programs, improving crop insurance, maintaining disaster programs, and promoting and supporting voluntary conservation.

2018 Farm Bill Programs

USDA offers a variety of risk management, disaster assistance, loan, and conservation programs to support your operation. The Farmers' Guide to Farm Bill Programs Brochure describes assistance for farmers, ranchers, and private forest landowners available through the 2018 Farm Bill.

Download this brochure in multiple languages:

Additionally, we also have other brochures with more information on our programs:

You can find translated versions of these brochures on our Translations Resources webpage.

Key Changes

The 2018 Farm Bill continued funding for USDA’s major programs that serve you. The new legislation did prescribe changes to some of these programs. 

Additionally, the 2018 Farm Bill reclassified hemp, and it is now legal to grow industrial hemp. Learn more about Hemp and Farm Programs.